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China Consulting Company Formation

Updated:2018-9-26 18:27:06    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:1332

China consulting company formation is a good choice for business startups. A consulting company can be used for various business activities. Chinese consulting firms enjoy high margins and very limited regulations. The industry is still in the growth stage, the threshold is low, the geographical distribution is seriously unbalanced and the concentration is low. For these reasons, the consulting industry will have a major expansion in China's medium-scale cities.

When setting up a consulting company in China, there are numerous things to consider and hence it is important to seek appropriate legal help. Tannet, equipped with professional consultancy team in this area, can provide you with everything necessary to set up your consulting company.

Common Types of Consulting Company in China
The types of consulting company in China can be classified as below:
China Management Consulting Companies;
China Engineering Consulting Limited;
China Technical Advisory Limited;
China Education Consulting Limited;
China Technology Consulting Limited;
China Headhunting Service Limited;
China Training Service Limited...

Business Scope of a Consulting Company
According to Chinese laws and regulations, wholly foreign-owned consulting company is allowed to be established to offer services related to consultancy on international economy, technology and environment protection, and to provide market information and other business services which are not prohibited by the Chinese laws and regulations.

Registered Capital
According to the China’s Company Law, to register a consulting company in China, the registered capital is required to be at least RMB100,000. Some local governments would require a higher amount which could be RMB300,000.The registered capital does not need to be contributed when applying for the registration of the Company.

The requirement of the registered capital is to ensure that the company will have enough funds for its operation after being registered. The registered capital is to be used for the expenditures of the company, and it is not allowed to be returned to the investor(s) unless the company is to be terminated (dissolved).

Incorporating a Consulting WFOE in China
A Limited Liability Company wholly owned by foreign investor in consulting business is known as a consulting WFOE in China. With a consulting WFOE, you are able to
(1) Run legal consulting business in China and bear limited liability for registered capital can mitigate risks;
(2) Apply for work visa for legal representative, employees and families;
(3) Legally hire employees and purchase social security and accumulation fund;
(4) Formal invoices can be issued for customers.

Contact Us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact Tannet anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143512 or 86-755-82143181 or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.

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