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Shanghai Company Registration (FTZ)

Updated:2018-9-29 17:27:35    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:3052

Shanghai company registration (FTZ) refers to the establishment of business in Shanghai Free Trade Zone area. Shanghai Free Trade Zone is the first Hong Kong- Like free trade area in mainland China. Similar to procedures for setting up a company elsewhere in China, investors in the Shanghai FTZ must first carry out a company registration in order to obtain a business license.

To unburden investors from long and tedious administrative approval procedures, the Shanghai FTZ has established a “one-stop application processing platform” for company establishment, which is unique to the zone. Under this platform, all application materials will be submitted and handled through the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC) in the FTZ.

Advantages of Shanghai Free Trade Zone
Shanghai Free Trade Zone is opened by Chinese government to encourage foreign investment. Now foreign entities can open a Limited Company in Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone with no real capital requirements. This enables foreign companies to have an easy, low-risk and fast setup into the Chinese market.

(1) Taxes: Mainly for import and export companies; zero customs; tariff reduction and circulation taxes are lower, particularly lower transportation costs;
(2) Scope of Business: There is no limits on the scope of business;
(3) No Registered Capital: Low registered capital with no requirement to specify when it needs to be injected; basically no any real registered capital;
(4) Currency Exchange: Free currency exchange with no Limitations.

Shanghai Free Trade Zone Company Registration are divided into Six Fields
1. Financial Service Industry;
2. Shipping Service Industry;
3. Commerce and Trade Service Industry;
4. Professional Service Industry;
5. Cultural Service Industry;
6. Social Service Industry.

Registration Procedure for WFOE in Shanghai FTZ Area
1. Name approval;
2. Articles of Association approval by the Ministry of Commerce;
3. Business approval by SAIC;
4. Issuance of company seals;
5. Organization code certificate issuance;
6. Tax bureau registration;
7. Foreign exchange registration;
8. Bank account opening;
9. Financial and statistic registration;
10. Customs registration.

Contact Us
If you have further inquires, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143422, or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.

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